About Us

Rekam Films (PT. Rekam Sinema Indonesia) is a film company based in Depok, West Java founded by Yuda Kurniawan. Our mission is to produce films with various genres that are able to reflect Indonesian values that are also universally relevant. Contribute to building a film ecosystem in Indonesia that not only business prioritizes but also carry idealism and independent in creations. Always trying to produce films that are not only entertainment media but are also able to create dialectics or dialogue, discussion and new ideas for mutual change and progress together. 

Several Films that have been produced by Rekam Films have been screened at various film festivals both at home and abroad. One of the phenomenal is the documentary film "The Song of Grassroots" which has won several awards, one of which is the Citra Award for best documentary feature in Indonesian Film Festival 2018. The film has also been screened in more than 20 film festivals both at home and abroad, one of the most prestigious is Asia Pacific Screen Award 2019 held in Brisbane, Australia. The Song of Grassroots has also been distributed in theaters on January 16, 2020 ago. Rekam Films' latest work is "Roda-Roda Nada" (2022) which was successfully nominated by the 2022 Indonesian Film Festival, won the 2023 Maya Awards for the category of best feature-length documentary film, won the Gary L. Hayes Award in Balinale 2023 and Best Editing in the Indonesian Screen Awards, Jogja NETPAC Asian Film Festival 2022. Rekam Films will soon release two feature-length films titled 'Harmoni' and 'Judheg'.


Foto Yuda Kurniawan

Yuda Kurniawan (Founder and Producer)

Yuda Kurniawan was born in Manggarai, NTT, Indonesia on October 8, 1982. He is a film producer and director has received Citra Award, the highest achievement for Indonesian filmmakers given by Indonesian Film Festival. His films have been screened in various film festivals both domestic and overseas and has won several awards, one of them is Netpac Award (Network for the promotion of Asia Pasific Cinema), this is an award given to Asian film director who shows important contributions to the new Asian cinema movement. Some of his films include: "Pesantren Way's of Dakwah" (2016), "The Ballads of Cinema Lovers" (2017) Best documentary feature nominee of Indonesian Film Festival 2017 and "The Song of Grassroots" (2018) has won Citra Award for best documentary feature of Indonesian Film Festival 2018. "The Tone Wheels" (2022) Best documentary feature nominee of Indonesian Film Festival 2022. "Harmony" (2024) is his directorial debut for a feature-length narrative film.

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Foto Misya Latief

Misya Latief (Co-Founder and Creative Director)

Misya Latief was born in Purbalingga on November 15, 1992. She began her Passion in filmmaking since he was in junior high school. Together with her colleagues, She successfully made a short film titled "Clothes for Grandfather" (2009). The film began her debut as a screenwriter and director. This film won a number of awards at the film competition for the student category at the National Film Festival. His love for the filmmaking continues to the high school. During this period, she succeeded in making several short films, one of which was "Lawuh Boled" (2013). This film won many awards at national film festival competitions. Her short film works led him to obtain a full scholarship at the Indonesian Television Academy, Jakarta in 2014. Misya Latief some time ago has released his first novel entitled "Girl Mountain". In 2025 Misya will release her first feature-length movie titled "Judheg".

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