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Rendra dan AKu



WS Rendra is a life force that continues to surge. His works--poems, theatre, essays, and so on--to this day are still being read, discussed, and performed. Throughout his life, various titles were assigned to Rendra, such as: maestro, prince of the stage, the peacock, and others. Various awards in the field of arts and culture have also been given to Rendra. All of that is a tribute to his figure and his works.

From 1968 to 2005, Rendra and Bengkel Teater performed 23 scripts: 15 foreign adaptation scripts, 7 own scripts and 1 script from outside Bengkel Teater’s work. Since the 1970s, it is no exaggeration to say that Rendra is the gun barrel of the critical voice of the conscience of the Indonesian people. This can be seen in the drama script "Mastodon and the Condor" (Mastodon dan Burung Condor) which satirizes the dictatorship and military tyranny. "Panembahan Reso" which highlights the megalomaniac axis of power, besides that there is also the "Struggle Story of the Dragon Tribe" (Kisah Perjuangan Suku Naga) which is a satirical story against the dictatorship of the Suharto regime. The satire that made laughs were also seen in the play “Sekda” which ended in the banning by the authorities and this became a kind of routine for every Bengkel Teater’s performance which was always labeled as criticizing the government.

This documentary film "Rendra & Me" (Rendra & Aku) is one of the efforts to treat the public's memory of the figure of Rendra. Following his life journey that full of twists as a writer and humanist who was imprisoned by the Suharto regime. The story of Rendra's life will be told by his wife Ken Zuraida, the woman who accompanied Rendra until the end of his life. In addition, this film also records the testimonies of authoritative sources about the life journey and creative process of WS Rendra.


Presented by : Rekam Films
Producer : Imran Hasibuan, Yuda Kurniawan
Director : Yuda Kurniawan

Official Film Trailer